

Department Chemical Engineering, Postdoctoral Researcher



Dr. María Salomé Álvarez Álvarez has a degree in Chemistry in 2011 and a PhD in Chemical Engineering in 2015, from the University of Vigo. His doctoral thesis focused on the combination of biological and physical methods for the remediation of contaminated effluents. During that period and until now, he has completed two stays in international reference centers such as the Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology (Portugal) and the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Princeton University, United States. During this last stay he actively participated in a joint project between Princeton University (USA) and the TECHNION Institute (Israel) focused on the production of value-added compounds. He actively collaborates with other international research groups such as the Biotechnology department of the Technological Institute of Sonora (ITSON) in Mexico, and the University of La Serena in Chile.


She has been a beneficiary of postdoctoral aid from the Xunta de Galicia to support the first phase of postdoctoral training (2016-2019) and is currently a beneficiary of a second postdoctoral aid from the Xunta de Galicia (2019-2021).


His current research focuses on the development of biocompatible platforms for the extraction of contaminants and value-added chemicals mainly obtained from waste. Her scientific and teaching activity includes 25 scientific articles, 23 communications at international and national conferences, 1 patent, guest reviewer of international scientific journals, organization of R&D events, co-direction of final degree projects, master’s degrees and doctoral theses.