

Department Chemical Engineering, Professor



BSc in Industrial Chemistry from the University of Oviedo (Spain), Master in Biotechnology from the University of Manchester (United Kingdom) and PhD in Biotechnology from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse (France). Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at the University of Vigo, with teaching activity in the degrees of Chemistry, Marine Sciences and Industrial Engineering, as well as in several master and doctoral programs.

Research topics:

  • Industrial biotechnological processes, bioreactor design and operation, extremophilic microbial systems
  • Enzyme technology: production and applications of biocatalysts, biocatalysis in non conventional media
  • Waste water treatment and remediation technologies
  • Separation processes, ionic liquids
  • Biofuel production

R&D activity. Participation in a number of research projects and contracts, at national and international level, acting as project leader in several of them. Publication of articles in indexed scientific journals, international book chapters, and conference proceedings. Supervision of PhD theses, as well as BSc and MSc dissertations. Internships and visits to prestigious universities and research centers. Organization of scientific events, and participation in national and international research networks.

R&D management activity. Manager of the Human Resources Program of the R&D General Directorate of the Xunta de Galicia (2009-2010), Director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Support for Research at the University of Vigo (2009-2010), Vice-rector of Research of the University of Vigo (2010-2014), Vice-rector of Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Vigo (2014-2018), Member of the Executive Committee of the R & D & I Commission of the CRUE (2015-2018 ).

Others. Possitive evaluation of five five-year teaching periods and four six-year research periods. Activity in the field of teaching innovation, quality management and scientific dissemination. Expert for regional, national and international evaluation and quality agencies. Participation in numerous committees and commissions (governance, study plans, quality, occupational safety) at the University of Vigo and other institutions.