
Management activities of Maria Asunción Longo

It has participated in the following activities:

    • Member of the Executive Committee, R & D Commission of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) – 2015-2018
    • Vice-rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer of the University of Vigo – 2014-2018
    • Vice-rector for Research at the University of Vigo – 2010-2014
    • Director of the Center for Scientific and Technological Support for Research at the University of Vigo (C.A.C.T.I.) – 2009-2010
    • Manager of the Human Resources Program of the R&D General Directorate of the Xunta de Galicia (2009-2010)
    • Coordinator of the Master in Science and Technology of Conservation of Fishery Products, University of Vigo – Since 2020
    • Quality Manager for the Chemical Engineering PhD Program at the University of Vigo – Since 2016
    • Member of the Quality Management Commission of the International Doctoral School of the University of Vigo – Since 2016
    • President of the Commission for Courses and Research Contracts (2014-2018), of the Publications Commission (2014-2018) and of the Research Commission of the University of Vigo (2010-2018)
    • Member of the Governing Council (2010-2018), the Senate (2010-2014) and the Occupational Health and Safety Committee of the University of Vigo (2010-2018)
    • Secretary of the Governing Council of the Fundación Empresa-Universidad Gallega (FEUGA) (2015-2018) and member of the Board of Trustees (2014-2018)
    • Member, among others, of the Governing Council of the Consortium of University Libraries of Galicia- BUGALICIA (2010-2018), Board of Directors (2010-2014) and Advisory Committee (2015-2018) of the Fundación Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia – CESGA, Governing Council of the Technological Institute of Industrial Mathematics – ITMATI (2014-2018), Advisory Council of the Multisectoral Association of Information and Communication Technologies / INEO (2014-2018), Governing Council of the South Galicia Health Research Institute (2010-2018)
    • Member of the Curriculum Commission of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Vigo – 2008-2014
    • Member of the Permanent Commission of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Vigo -2005-2011
    • Technical collaborator in the Evaluation and Accreditation Directorate of the Andalusian Knowledge Agency (DEVA-AAC) – Since 2020
    • Evaluation committee for accreditation HRS4R, European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation – Since 2018
    • Member of the commission for the evaluation of research merits, in the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Galicia (ACSUG) – 2019
    • Technical Commission of the Environmental Sciences and Technologies Management Area, Environmental Technologies. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness – 2013 and 2016
    • Evaluation Committee 7th Framework Program, KBBE Theme. RTD E, Biotechnologies, Agriculture, Food, European Commission – 2007, 2009 and 2011
    • Committee for evaluation and accreditation of university lecturers, area Experimental Sciences, Quality, Accreditation and Prospective Agency of the Universities of Madrid (ACAP) – 2008 and 2009
    • Evaluator for the Spanish National Research Agency (AEI) / National Agency for Evaluation (ANEP) – Since 2007
    • Evaluator for the Agency for the Quality of the University System of Castilla y León (ACSUCyL) – Since 2016
    • Evaluator for the National Science Center of Poland – Since 2020
    • Evaluator for the National Fund for Science and Technology (FONCYT) of the National Agency for Scientific and Technological Promotion of Argentina – Since 2003
    • National Congress of Biotechnology (BIOTEC 2019) – 2019
    • XXIV Research Conference of Spanish Universities – 2016
    • III National Conference of University Professors – 2004
    • VIII Meeting of the Lignin and Hemicellulose Biodegradation Thematic Network. Enzymatic, Chemical and Molecular Aspects. Industrial and Environmental Applications – 2003