

Department Chemical Engineering, Professor



Mª Ángeles Sanromán is Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Vigo. She is graduate in Chemical Engineering from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (1987). Completed her PhD degree (1991), focusing on the development of bioreactor and cell immobilisation techniques. In 1991, she got a position as assistant professor joined the staff at the University of Vigo in the Chemical Engineering Department. She is the Head of the Research group Bioengineering & Sustainable Processes (BIOSUV Group) at the University of Vigo. Currently, develops the following research lines:

  • Environmental Technology applied to soil and water remediation;
  • Advanced Oxidation Processes;
  • Reuse, Recycling & Valorisation of wastes;
  • Green Chemistry
  • Separation processes, ionic liquids

Her teaching and research assessments have been positively recognised with 6 five-year teaching periods and 5 six-year research periods. She authored > 300 scientific articles, including 10 reviews, and collaborated in several books. Its h index is higher than 50 (Scopus), and the total number of citations is near 10000. Author of more than 500 communications to National and International Conferences, receiving several awards in recognition of her work. She has participated in more than 50 national and international research and innovation projects and technology transfer contracts with public administration and companies, mainly as principal investigator. She has participated in more than 50 national and international research and innovation projects and technology transfer contracts with public administration and companies, mainly as principal investigator.

It is remarkable her work as director of the Research Results Transfer Office at the University of Vigo (1994-1998) and member of the National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective (ANEP) in the subject of Chemical Technology (2007-2011). She has been collaborating as panel member in the Coordination and Evaluation Subdivision belonging to the Spanish Agency of Investigation (AEI) in the scientific area of Technology Transfer (2015-2018) and Materials Energy and Environmental (2019- 2020). In addition, she acts as reviewer in regular evaluation tasks of research projects in competitive calls for several national and international calls. She is members of several academic societies and editorial boards of journals, highlighting her position as Associate Editor of the journal Bioresource Technology. In addition, she is member of several organising and scientific committees of international congresses. It is also significant her labour as guidance, supervisor or leadership of young researchers. She is a mentor to > 30 researchers, including MD, PhD and postdocs, and several of them have established successful scientific careers.